Third Millennium Goals
The Third Millennium is started in the year 2000, and we have dreamed to start life on others planets,
robots that works in our house, and we have dreamed a relax life without problems of work, travel and energy.
That don’t happened and we have started with the millennium bag, understanding ours limits.
The technology have changed many things, but our life isnt so much better of 30 years ago.
This happen because we are doing an evolution of the big inventions of last century, creating cars more sure,
internet more fast, etc., but we are using all time the some instruments.
In the last century the invention of the engine and the computer was something completely new.
This inventions have created new standards of life, because don’t was following an existing standard.
And this invention have strongly changed the quality life.
The actual transport system is an evolution of cars, trains, and airplanes invented more of 100 years ago,
because must follow standard of existing roads, rail and airports.
We can invent a completely new transport system if we have the capacity to leave the existing standards.
Similarly the computers, the software, the cities and the houses are only an evolution of what was existing last century,
but today we have a technology to much better for follow again the actual standards.
We can create something completely new if we create new standards, if we don’t solve only the problems day by day,
but we look at third millennium as a new important step in the human life on our planet.
There are global problems to solve, like social problems, climate, energy, wars, transports,
quality of life in the big cities and in isolated areas, etc.
And there are individual problems like stress, as we use our time, personal relationship, health and personal satisfaction.
We must do a selection of what we want bring in the third millennium, and what we want create completely new.
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